Cthulhu smite build
Cthulhu smite build

cthulhu smite build

With that being said, that's not the only problem. Especially since, even out of ult, your boxing ability is huge. Although, you are right you will be fighting with ultimate, you shouldn't be ultimate reliant. My problem with Vital Amp and Seqmet's is, as you said, Ultimate reliant. I do plan on updating this Guide probably tomorrow (or Friday) with different builds, and tips, regarding the current meta. Hello! So first, thanks for the comment and I appreciate the kind words! That way you can instantly start bursting without having wait for the Kingslayer start up animation. If you're going to engage into a teamfight, use Kingslayer before using Sandstorm to go in. You can use Sandstorm and Skewer to snipe kills through walls. Saving it can be used to catch dashes.Īfter having 8 Spawn of Set on the ground, use Skewer for a big damage output on anyone.īefore going in, make sure you have Purification Beads or Aegis Amulet. Sandstorm is almost ALWAYS needed for ganks.

#Cthulhu smite build free

It gives you free vision allowing objective steals. Using Spawn of Set as a ward is a must, I can not stress this enough. That way you could end up reengaging fast with the teleport or just saving it to juke.

cthulhu smite build

When being chased, you can use Skewer to slow the enemy behind you allowing for an easy escape without utilizing your Sandstorm. When engaging you always wanna have your this ability up. Using Sandstorm without teleporting gives you all the buffs you need to engage without risking your escape. Poke as much as you can with Skewer and Spawn of Set In Kingslayer spam Spawn of Set as much as you can for more marks. If it isn't up, go for Mids.Īlternatively, you can start at Speed (solo lane) and do a more traditional start. If your Blue is up and you still went for Red, make your way to blue. Then here, you can go Red, or pull XP to red, or just go XP, then Blue. The best jungle route after first spawn is Speed (Duo Side) -> Speed (Solo Side). If you back, do the same jungle rotations but try and secure Mid XP harpies. After invade either do your jungle rotation, starting from your blue -> XP -> Speed/Damage-> Duo speed then or back, then go duo lane speed -> solo lane speed -> then either red, or XP and blue, if your solo laner already did blue, just go Mid harpies. If you gank solo you can invade Blue, or back. If you choose to instead back, skip Chest camp and do the same jungle rotation but this time try and secure Mid harpies once they respawn (they should already be up)Ģ- You can gank Solo lane. If you can do both Red and Blue, that's huge farm for you. Immediately go to your other speed, then either help Mid with damage, or go XP harpies and Blue.

cthulhu smite build

If you go for Chest camp, go to your speed on Duo side, kill it. From here you can do 1 of 2 things.ġ- You can gank Duo lane. Then go Mid lane for as many waves as you can until Mid Xp Camps spawn. Kill it then make your way to Damage Camp and start clearing it, preferably killing the smalls before your mid get there. You should always start on the Duo lane side of Speed Camp. Being aware of all of this at once is very difficult for new players. Requires a lot of Awareness - From everything to manipulating chokeholds with Skewer and Spawn of Set, to keeping track of enemy relics and ultimates that can shut you down easily. You do have a slow immunity at the least though. No CC immunity - With no CC immunity, you can easily be stunned to death. Big difference compared to many gods like Lancelot or Da Ji.Ĭommitting - Set heavily relies on committing to fights especially with your team. This can be said for many, maybe all the Gods, but with Set it's more of a mind game, knowing and understanding when the situation is ideal to utilize your kit in the best of ways. High Skill Floor - Someone who hasn't put the time in to learning the ins and outs of Set will never be as efficient as someone who has taken the time. High Skill Ceiling - Not much can be said about this. Not many Gods or Goddess' can compete with that. Versatility - In reality, Set can be played as a Mid, Jungle, ADC, and a Solo laner with ease. Being able to heal and do massive amounts of burst to the enemy is a sure fire way of wreaking havoc on the battlefield.Įscape/Engage Potential - Sandstorm can easily get you where you want to be as it's essentially a free combat blink, giving you minor protections and immunity to slows. Good Mid-Fight Sustain - Kingslayer is a vital tool for Set's carnage upon the enemy backline. Good Secure/Steal potential - Skewer+ Spawn of Set can easily secure or steal an objective with proper timing and it's a fast and heavy hitting combo. Insane poke - Set's Skewer+ Spawn of Set combo is RIDICULOUS damage output late game being able to half hit mostly any squishy in contact.

Cthulhu smite build